"....He that is unmarried careth for the things that belong to the Lord, how he may please the Lord...." I Corinthians 7:32
The Singles Ministry of Word of Life Apostolic Center, Inc. (WOLAC) provides a comfortable environment for singles to strengthen their relationships with the Lord and develop meaningful relationships with each other. Through systematic bible studies, conferences, fellowships and community projects, this ministry strives to share God's truth about life and how it relates to the relationships and responsibilities of single adults.

In todays world many people find themselves single for one reason or another.
Temporary or transitory period of time - this can sometimes be for a relatively brief "season" before marriage, after the heart breaking result of a divorce or death, or as a result of a life long decision.
Whatever the reason, the primary goal of the Singles Ministry at WOLAC is to singles to focus and to dedicate singleness as an opportunity to draw closer to the Lord through the study of His Word and to dedicate themselves to service in the ministry. The Singles Ministry offers opportunities for fellowship with others who will nurture, challenge, and cause one to grow in service and relationship with the Lord and fellow believers while reaching out to a lost and dying world.
Special programs planned:
Single Parents Support Group
​Singles Bible Study
​Separated/Divorced Support Group
​Group for those who have lost a spouse through death.
​A variety of social and mission events for singles