The mission is to develop true Christian masculine character in each man as modeled by our Lord Jesus Christ, and to take the intellectual knowledge of the Gospel and promote its manifestation to the core of our being. To provide men a place to develop true relationships of depth with men of similar values. To continually grow men to become mentors themselves as the Christian masculine character grows within them providing a mentoring resource to assist men in their walk towards the Lord and promote leadership. To prepare young men for ministry, to teach men to love and respect the women God created for them, and raise godly children.
This ministry is designed to build men individually and corporately. A survey of the spiritual and societal landscape of our community, reveals an apparent need for ministries that minister to men.
Pastor Roger Clennon
Pastor Andrew Chung-Ying
Minister Nerrick Chung-Ying
Deacon Gerard Jackson
Deacon Anthony McDougald
Bro. Ken Kinyanjui
Bro. Giovanni Figueroa
Bro. Fabielly Vasquez
Competition, comparison, isolation, individualism and self-sufficiency are adjectives that describe today's men. The truth is that, many males are emotionally isolated; confused over masculinity; success driven and is searching spiritually.
Word of Life Apostolic Center Men's ministry seeks to minister to men in general. We are striving to build a men's ministry that will transform men to become:
Men of Integrity - men who have no hidden agendas, but have ethical soundness, moral excellence, willingness to keep promises. Integrity is shown in convictions, shown in congruence, (the walk matches the talk), and shown in character.
Men of Intimacy - men who are able to journey into the heart and share with each other. The godly man will experience intimacy with God, experience intimacy with his wife, learn to open up to others, and is able to develop genuine male friendships.
Men of Identity - men who emulate the positive role models described in the bible and follow the principles that teach about true masculinity. . The Godly man is balanced, complete and is certain of his identity. This ministry teaches men how to have power under control, and strength clothed in tenderness.
Men of Influence- men who are committed to changing our community, and to prevail over the evil that currently exist. They do this by influencing those around them. They will not only share the gospel but their lives as well. Men ministering to Men.