Pastor & First Lady
The marriage ministry of Word of Life Apostolic Center focuses on building stronger, loving marital relationships, by teaching couples how to possess the characteristics of 1 Corinthians 13. God created marriage, and the scripture describes it as
honorable. God intended that we enjoys the blessings and satisfactions of marriage.
This ministry's objectives aim to:
Prevent divorces and broken families.
Rescue marriages from the prision of loneliness and hopelessness.
Teach husbands how to love their wives and treat them with tenderness and respect (Colossians 3:19,21).
Teach wives how to honor their husbands and love their children (Titus3:4).
Our marriage seminars provide couples with:
Freedom to discuss fears and dreams
A forum to express themselves openly. Couples will hear and understand what the other is sayig on a variety of subjects, without fear of rejection or being put down.
Conflict resolutions skills.
Ways to strengthen the marriage.
A long lasting loving relationship will occur if married couples allow the word of God to become the standard for their relationships.